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Coffee with the Curator Monday, January 27, 2014, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.
You have poured your heart and talent into creating a masterpiece, and now, heeding the advice of our last Coffee with the Curator you have entered competitions while avoiding pitfalls along the way, you have stayed on the radar of decision makers throughout the community, and now you are ready to put your work out there! But is that all it takes? Well, actually … no. Whether it is a museum exhibition, a competition, a community art club show, or an installation in a coffee shop, there are still better ways to increase your odds and make a better presentation of your art.
Please join Chief Curator Preston Metcalf Monday, January 27, 8:00-9:30 a.m. for an overview of practices and how-to’s that will certainly improve the professional presentation of your work and your chances of having it seen by others. Practical issues of framing and matting, photographing your work (for that all important portfolio or competition submission), social networking, legal issues of copyright and reproduction, and a number of other peripheral issues will be presented and discussed. This is the “how-to” art lecture they don’t give in your studio art class. For any artist or art enthusiast who wants to know how to better play the game, we hope you will join us. 
General Admission: $5.00/TMA members: Free

Coffee and light snacks provided. RSVPs are helpful, but not required. To RSVP email:

Triton Museum of Art, 1505 Warburton Ave., Santa Clara, Ca 95050
Office Phone: (408) 247-3754 / Gallery Phone: (408) 247-2438 /
For directions, click here. 
